12th Lock, Lucan, Co Dublin www.lucansarsfields.ie
Our Club caters for every age group from 5 to Adult.
Girls/Women play football and Camogie at every level.We ensure that no matter what skill level, everyone gets gametime.
Boys/Men play Football and Hurling.
We have weekly nurseries that cover Hurling,football,Camogie for boys and girls aged 5 to 8 years old and ensure that everyone gets gametime
Adult secretary is Pat O'Keeffe @ 085 1742238
Juvenile Secretary is Alice Whyte @ 086 0805055
Email address for queries lucansarsfieldspro@gmail.com
Weekly Lotto which can have a jackpot up to €10,000.
Three ways to play our weekly Lotto.
Just three clicks and you can enter online at www.lucansarsfields.ie.
Easier again is our Direct Debit option (Easy Play) – details in the Bar.
Or fill in a weekly ticket and drop it into the Lotto Box in the Bar.
Each entry costs just €2. EVERY entry helps us and could help you to a Jackpot.
Lucan Sarsfields' Function Room can hold 21st, 40th, 50th Parties,Communion, Christenings and Special Family Occasions. Call Liam on 6240744 after 7pm.
Every Saturday night has music in the bar.
Gary Beagan
Lucan Sarsfields
085 174 3646